So concludes an upcoming report by the former Dan Gordon, the former head of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy.

According to Gordon, among the pro’s of a bid protest are:

Protests introduce a relatively low-cost form of accountability into acquisition systems by providing disgruntled participants a forum for airing their complaints;

They can increase potential bidders’ confidence in the integrity of the procurement process if the GAO is directly responsive to participants’ complaints, leading more players to participate;

Protests can increase the public’s confidence in the integrity of the public procurement process; –The known availability of the protest avenue empowers those in contracting agencies who face pressure to act improperly;

Protest decisions made public provide a high level of transparency into what is happening in the federal procurement system; and

Protests provide guidance.

Contractors considering a GAO bid protest frequently grapple with whether the protest will hurt their chance for future contracts. The conclusion from this study seems to be that this is not a valid concern.  Could this report push even more contractors to protest bids with the GAO?

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